PPS international background checks

An international background check serves as a standard pre-employment screening tool, allowing organizations to verify different aspects of a candidate’s background in a foreign country.

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Numerous clients of PPS operate businesses overseas and rely on our services to uphold their secure hiring practices to ensure that they consistently meet their strict HR protocol.


An international background check is a crucial pre-employment screening tool used to thoroughly investigate various aspects of an applicant’s background. These checks are particularly necessary when an applicant has a history of travel or extended residency abroad.


The most common components of international background checks encompass international criminal history checks, as well as validation of personal identification.


Conducting international background checks offers several key advantages, including the assurance of hiring high-quality applicants and ensuring the safety of current employees in the workplace. Especially for positions that handle sensitive company information, knowing the background of potential hires is vital.


While local candidates’ background checks can be relatively simple and swift, involving local police checks, national police checks, and reference checks, hiring internationally or considering candidates with significant time spent overseas demands the comprehensive nature of an international background check.

What is a PPS 'International Background Check'?

A PPS international background check serves as a pre-employment screening tool for specific applicants:
1.Local applicants with extensive travel history.
2.Applicants who have worked, studied, or resided abroad for prolonged periods.
3.Candidates who are being hired from foreign countries inside and outside of the USA.

Is an International Background Check Simple or Difficult?

Unlike local or national background checks conducted within a country's borders, running an international background check can prove challenging and complex. The absence of a single global database containing all required information for applicants poses a significant obstacle. Moreover, accessing background information can become even more difficult when applicants come from or have lived in countries not participating in shared foreign databases. Plus, many of the counties have very antiquated or unsophisticated legal processing records. PPS however, does work with local and overseas law enforcement agencies to help process and compile background reports as necessary. Please keep in mind that each country typically has its own laws, procedures, and processing times for conducting and releasing information related to background checks.


Despite the complexities involved, conducting international background checks offers several benefits that are also relevant for extensive local checks:

1.Standardizing Hiring Both Nationally and Internationally: Thoroughly vetting candidates becomes paramount, especially for roles involving sensitive company information or demanding specific character traits. Ensuring quality hires is particularly critical for start-ups in a foreign county.

2.Workplace, Employee, and Consumer Protection: Many companies adopt international background checks as standard practice in their hiring process, particularly after all interviews have concluded. This approach not only reduces the risk of hiring individuals with questionable backgrounds that could jeopardize current employees or the work environment but also provides valuable insights about a specific candidate before finalizing a permanent employment contract.

3.International Criminal Check: This check stands as one of the most common components in an international background check. It involves using foreign repositories and databases to identify any major offense convictions the individual may have incurred overseas. While the applicant's record in their home country might be clean, it's essential to verify if any red flags emerge from their time spent in other countries.

What Type of International Background reporting does PPS conduct?

Local Level Criminal Citizen Searches

Criminal records found on local level searches will reveal convictions for serious crimes, including assault, domestic violence, child endangerment, homicide, theft, embezzlement, fraud, resisting arrest, forgery, weapons offenses, drunken driving and drug offenses. These offenses will only show up in the location of the candidate’s current residency and no further searches will be conducted

National Level Criminal Searches

A National Level Criminal Search will also search the same information as the Local Level Criminal Search, except the report will include the any possible crimes committed outside of the candidates current residency within the country they reside.


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step 1 : select country
step 2 : Select Product
Step 3 : Candidate Form
Subject Information

Father's Full Legal Name

Subject`s Address

Former Address

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step 4 : Payment Details

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