Retail Marketing

Hiring the right candidate should be a TOP priority for all Retailers

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Increase Marketing Efficiency

Hiring the best people marketing for you can help you sell more products, provide your business with great customer service, and bolster your business’ revenues. BUT! It’s not always that simple! Making sure that your candidates or contractors have been thoroughly background screened is the greatest importance your business and loyal customers deserve! Most companies in the Telecom or Energy sector hire 1099 contractors to work in a Retail or Retail Kiosk environment, however, some are also hired as an employee. These candidates may be required to handle sensitive information, such as a customer’s credit card or a customer’s address and phone number.


As a Retail employer, you are obligated to protect your customer’s sensitive information from fraud, theft, and sharing it with others. As an example, your business could be sued for a negligent hiring claim. Negligence in hiring is the failure to adhere to the standards of behavior that the law puts into place to ensure the safety of others. As an employer or contracting company you could be found negligent if the employee or contractor has been convicted of a crime, has a history of workplace violence or harassment and you did not run a background check to ensure the safety of others when hiring.

At Protection Plus Solutions, we value your business relationships as if they were our own! Having a great hiring practice in place plus finding the best talent can be challenging for any business. Let PPS help you make a good hire even BETTER by ensuring that your company hiring practices meet the Retail Industry’s hiring standards of EXCELLENCE!

Background Checks

Although you cannot always be sure that every candidate you interview is the best, you can, however, run a thorough background check to mitigate your risk of a bad hire. We know how important it is to hire qualified candidates for your industry. The best part of course is that  Protection Plus Solutions only works with your industry! PPS specializes in compliant and comprehensive background screening for both employees and contractors (1099).